Stretching is a good and easy way to keep yourself toned every day. Regular exercises have a beneficial effect on a short and long term basis at the same time; such activities help while losing weight and provide an opportunity to relax.
It is important to approach this process in a balanced and thoughtful way. The wrong approach can lead to unpleasant injuries, or neutralize the positive effects. It is for this reason that a special set of exercises will be useful to a person. Today, the owner of any gadget does not need to keep text notes, since high-quality applications for stretching are available in popular application stores. Today, everyone can stretch free and correctly by downloading and installing one of these applications.
Do the stretching correctly, and we will help with this using the list of the best stretching apps for Android and iOS.
Stretch HD is a quality stretching app solution. 60 exercises are presented here, and each of them has an HD video to illustrate the process (make sure that there is enough free space on the smartphone). Each video includes detailed text instructions by experts. The combination of theory and practice will help everyone understand the process quickly and avoid physical inconveniences.
A big plus is the ability to create own training programs in accordance with certain load zones (back, legs, and so on). That is, the runner will be able to create the best solution for himself, and the dancer will choose a completely different complex. The user can quickly save created result and send it by e-mail. This is necessary in order to consult with a trainer or doctor about this.
This stretching app is available for all Android and iOS devices.
Stretching Sworkit
This is a fairly simple but effective flexibility app for developing the body without injuries. The library includes a large array of 100+ exercises with detailed walkthroughs. Before starting a workout, the user has the opportunity to choose one of three types of workouts: Pilates, body stretching or stretching a specific area of the body. It is enough for the user to choose one of the sections to get an extensive set of exercises for work. A useful option of creating own sets of exercises for any purpose is also available. This will be useful for fans of yoga, strength training, cardio and so on.
The application is completely free in the basic version for Android and iOS. Additional content can be purchased separately.
Pilates (Lumowell)
This is a useful flexibility app solution for Pilates training. It offers quality exercise programs and more. An interesting option is available: a personal trainer who will follow the work process. This is a nice virtual visualization that motivates the user even more and gives the right advice at the right time.
The application includes many ways to stretch and relax various muscle groups, which can be combined in any convenient order according to the situation.
Additional features in large numbers are also available: calorie counter, calendar, goal setting, among others. This is not just an application for stretching, but a comprehensive application for fitness at its core.
Start Stretching
Start Stretching is another one best stretching app of its category to use. This application will help develop human flexibility by any convenient method. The main feature of this application is very stylish and pleasant to view design, which adds comfort in the process. All functional elements are in place and do not create inconvenience in the process of intensive work. A lot of diverse stretching exercises are available for various muscle groups; it can be combined for specific work tasks, as well as the level of expected load. The user does not injure himself if he follows the recommendations of Start Stretching carefully. Visual and textual instructions describe tasks in great detail and will not allow the user to make a mistake. The statistics menu will help to track the results and make changes to the working process as necessary.
This one is from the list of best flexibility apps for iPhone.

Track Yoga
What are the differences between yoga and stretching? The main thing is the spiritual background, but the physical aspects are very similar. Yoga can make a person more flexible and resilient, improve health. If a person does this on a regular basis, of course.
Everyone can do yoga in a structured way with Track Yoga. This is a specialized application that offers a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on stretching. For example, a person can use it as yoga for runners app. The user has the opportunity to set goals and reminders for each week to make the process with a quality result. A system of achievement badges that stimulate motivation is also available. If a person is interested in or actively engaged in yoga, this application is worth a try. Available in all major application stores.
Flexibility is a popular and one of the best app for stretching and flexibility that can help everyone improve their physical fitness and work results in any situation.
Detailed stretching guides for various movements are available here, along with an abundance of useful tips for improving the overall quality of the process. The application is useful for those who practice yoga, exercises for dynamic warm-up, strength and cardio, and so on. Each user has the ability to quickly create sets of exercises for individual muscle groups.
Each exercise is accompanied by illustrations and sound comments on the work. This performance stretching app is available on Android and iOS.

Stretching exercises for the full body
Another useful exercise catalog for stretching is at the end of this list. This one is from the category of stretching apps for Android. The application offers a set of 60 applications for stretching various muscle groups or comprehensive body preparation for various types of physical activity. The correct implementation of the proposed complexes will help to avoid injuries in the future, and each user can create a stretching complex for personal tasks individually.
The best stretching app (Android) is implemented in a simple and convenient design, where all functions are obvious, and tips for exercises are visual. Each exercise has a textual, audio, and video description.

There’s also lot of another convenient yoga for runners app options for example. Search for it at the biggest app platforms.
Incorporating stretching apps into your fitness routine can revolutionize your flexibility and overall physical well-being. These apps offer diverse exercises, expert guidance, and customizable routines. Whether you’re an athlete or simply striving for a healthier lifestyle, these apps provide the tools to stretch effectively, prevent injuries, and achieve your fitness goals with a touch of convenience and fun. Start stretching, start feeling great!