If a guy wants to learn about how to talk with girls, he needs to go practice. If he has no experience, it’s pretty scary, isn’t it? So or not, the theory is not enough in this case.
But it is not all that bad. If earlier there were no opportunities to overcome their constraint through training, so as not to screw it up while meeting or on a date, then today everything is a bit simpler. Put the romantic comedies aside, today we will talk about the best virtual girlfriend app (Android and iOS). It’s time to be impressed by how the technology of artificial intelligence is growing today.
My Virtual Girlfriend
My Virtual Girlfriend is a great example of multi-functional virtual girlfriend app that will help in training well. This is a kind of virtual analogue of Tinder, where there are so many different virtual girls. Each has its own set of interests and traits. The user must enter data about the person he wants to talk to get the perfect girl. After that, user needs to date her, chat, flirt and bring to love.
The main feature of the app is diversity. The developers have made a great bet on details, and here the user can find at least 100 girls with different looks and characteristics. If necessary, you can change the appearance of clothes. An additional plus is that this is a free virtual girlfriend app.
What can be done on a date? Talk, joke and listen to her funny stories, take her to the movies or to a golf game. No one has canceled the gifts, which she, including, can try on. And do not forget about the touches, but do not rush things!
No one has canceled the gifts, which she, including, can try on. And do not forget about the touches, but do not rush things!

My Virtual Manga Girl
Another best virtual girlfriend app (Android, iOS) that offers to visit the comfortable for lots of guys’ anime world. Here the user must make an acquaintance and build love with the anime-styled girl. All attributes correspond, and the user can customize the appearance to fit his preferences. Choose the color of these huge eyes, hair color, clothes and go!
Next, the application works on the typical gaming principle of The user must take care of the girl, give her food and sleep, so that she feels good. And we must not forget to communicate with her, entertain. A number of tricks are available to make the gameplay very diverse.
Here the user can rotate the 3D model of the anime girl in all directions to look at her properly. There’s also an option to put the model of a girl as a screen saver on your desktop. A nice addition to the best virtual girlfriend app (Android, iOS) is the bright game design in the best traditions of manga and a lot of nice music.
Virtual Lover
Virtual Lover is another interesting anime-style app. Someone calls is the best virtual girlfriend app (Android, iOS). Are you dreaming about a girl who can make all the dreams come true? Get her! Here everyone can find himself a special girl who can talk and love.
The developers have put their soul into the app and offered many interesting features. Each girl has a unique feature, and most importantly their dignity is a sense of humor. It is diverse and interesting; it is impossible to break away from communication! App is implemented as a chat, where you can talk and fall in love. Nothing more, just a pure dialogue with the anime beauty.
Make her do whatever want. Answer her questions. Feel the reality. And here the user can change the background on which the girl is. This application is very simple and efficient, as it is close to modeling a real dialogue with a girl. Try this virtual girlfriend (Android, iOS) for sure!
Naughty Girlfriend
Let’s go back from anime to realism with another best virtual girlfriend app for Android. Do you dream of passionate, crazy love with a hot beauty? Naughty Girlfriend is what you need. This application, which is a virtual girlfriend sim. She loves the person behind the gadget and is ready for you at all. Choose from several options for appearance, customize the details and do whatever want. And do not forget to pick her good clothes.
This relaxed, beautiful virtual girl (Android app only) will talk about everything and arrange an unforgettable flirt. And if to ask her, the girlfriend will definitely dance for anyone. This character knows how to dance and she makes it just fascinating. There are several backgrounds for the girl’s presence.
The main feature is the ability to simulate the mood of the girl: make her sad, cheerful, angry and so on. Make sure how realistic it is. Believe for a while that the real girl doing everything right on the screen of the gadget.

Virtual Girlfriend Joke
If the user looking for a clean chatting experience with a girl, best virtual girlfriend app is Virtual Girlfriend Joke. It’s a great option to waste some free time. There is nothing special to do, just imagine those boring moments of life. How to occupy yourself? Try to talk to a girl who is difficult to distinguish from the real one! Virtual Girlfriend Joke offers a realistic chat with a girl. This is one of the most accurate and highly regarded apps of its kind from all the popular application stores.
The game begins with a choice. The user needs to evaluate the available options to pick up the girl of interest. Every character in the game has a unique behavior. This means that the user will not be able to talk to each of them in the same way. To win the favor of each of them, it is necessary to build a unique tactic.
Ask her a question, wait for the answer and start the dialogue. Nothing extra here. Only nice graphics and design, interesting virtual girl and your chatting. Everything is almost like in reality. The maximum effect of presence is achieved due to the powerful artificial intelligence that the developers have implemented. Practice with Virtual Girlfriend Joke, a nice virtual girlfriend app for Android and iOS, before you go to the real world and no one will regret it.

My Virtual Girlfriend Julie
How about a date with Julie, the best virtual girlfriend? She is waiting for an interesting guy to meet, will be glad to talk and will be indulgent to those who are unsure of themselves. In the application there are many options available for creating Julie’s 3D model, so the girl will correspond to the user’s external requests by 100%. We guarantee that in any case you get an indescribably attractive cutie. See several standard model options to make a choice.
Have the parameters of appearance are chosen? Julie’s 3 model will be available for talk then. She will remember the user and topics of conversation that will make the process of communication in the future very interesting. Enjoy the realistic animation of the girl and her real voice. A large set of emotional parameters is available: love, anger, surprise, empathy, and so on. Also available are actions to choose: laughter, sleep, kiss and more. Experience the varied and realistic experience of communicating in My Virtual Girlfriend Julie!

Virtual Girlfriend 3D Anime
Let’s complete the list with another best girlfriend virtual software made in anime style. Virtual Girlfriend 3D Anime will make communication with a beautiful virtual girl truly special. Again: the perfect girl is available here for free. The user just need to install the app to fall in love with the company of a very beautiful, sociable and immediate girlfriend. And this sweetie has strong feelings for the user, just be prepared for this.
This virtual anime girlfriend app has a nice three-dimensional graphics and a large set of customization tools. Choose the appearance of the girl to a personal taste: hair, clothes and more. Almost every customization button has over 15 functions, which allows everyone to create a unique model.
Take care of her, and she will repay with great love!
We listed the best virtual girlfriend games above. All apps are quite diverse in content and user mechanics. We recommend the user to try out the maximum of applications from the list, as well as to look for other apps for Android and iOS, in order to find the perfect option for themselves. Good luck!

Virtual girlfriend apps offer an innovative way to enhance social skills and build confidence, especially for those looking to improve their conversation and interaction abilities with girls. These apps provide a safe environment for practicing communication, flirting, and dating without the pressure of real-life situations. Users can explore various personalities and traits, improving their ability to connect and relate to different individuals. Additionally, the customization options within the apps allow users to tailor their virtual girlfriend to their preferences, encouraging creativity and self-expression. Overall, these virtual girlfriend apps can be valuable tools for personal growth, helping individuals gain confidence in social interactions and ultimately translate these skills to real-world relationships.