Pole dance is very popular today. This is a kind of fitness that helps to develop excellent physical fitness, and many people dream of starting to develop physical fitness with this sport or make their first attempts. But to learn something without help is difficult, and everyone needs reliable and proven tools. Of course, it’s best to enroll in a course and work with a trainer. But also a person can exercise at home. For this, a special set of exercises is useful. Such complexes contain special pole dancing apps. It is enough to install on the phone and start studying to get development tools every day. The following are descriptions of the seven most popular app pole dance options for Android and iOS.
Pole Dance Lessons by Veena
Veena’s Pole Dance Lessons is one of the top lines of popularity in app pole dance category, being available for both of the largest platforms. Here is a collection of exercises from a professional for people of any level. Full beginners will get the first skills, and experienced dancers will learn something new. An expert approach ensures that users receive the correct information to avoid injuries. This app pole option has a very simple and convenient interface.

Pole Guide
Pole Guide is a completely free app pole dance option developed by professionals for all categories of dancers. It has a huge toolbox in order to obtain basic pole dance skills, or to develop existing skills. In addition, the user can keep acquaintances in the know about their achievements by constantly uploading photos to social networks. An important part is occupied by illustrative content for applications, which very accurately, accurately and in detail shows each movement on a pole with action pointers. This app for pole dance training is available for all Android devices and iOS.

Pole Power Pole Dance
Pole Power Pole Dance is not just a popular pole dancing app for iPhone and Android gadgets. This is a tool for discovering training centers and courses everywhere. The application will help with exercises for every day in the “field” conditions, indicating places for stretching, jumping and so on. It includes a large catalog of training schools, which is constantly updated with each update. Traditional video lessons are also present, including additional useful content in the form of tips, instructions, features, secrets and so on. And developers have added a repetition counter for convenience. That is, in one pole star app as many useful options are integrated for fans of this activity type.
Stretching Sworkit – Increase Flexibility & Pilates
Pole dancing app with your face does not begin with exercise. The first step is stretching. It is important to have a very good stretch so that the exercises are easier and the risk of injuries is minimal. This application will help prepare for serious tasks. If you approach the stretching exercises responsibly and on a regular basis, they will help bring the body into shape as quickly as possible. Here are all the most effective tools for this. In total, about a hundred exercises for stretching the entire body and individual muscle areas are available, which are carefully structured for the convenience of the user. At least a person needs to spend five minutes regularly, and we’re talking about a very small fee for the results!
Pole Dancing Fitness
Another worthy app pole dance training tool for all iOS users. Here everyone can find an extensive collection of video exercises for all occasions that can come in handy at pole dance. In total, almost 350 videos have been collected that reveal all the subtleties of certain movements in this pole dancing app with your face. Each exercise is done in a visual form so that the user does not have questions about the execution. It is enough to use the described recommendations to complete each of the tasks. But the work should begin with first level exercises, and gradually moving on to more complex ones. Otherwise, it may result in personal injury. This pole dancing app works with almost all iPhone versions.

PDC Pole Dance Syllabus
Pole Dance Syllabus is an app to learn pole dance that will teach everyone a huge amount of action on a pole. This is a powerful professional encyclopedia of exercises that will gradually bring even a complete beginner to a high level of skill. The main thing is to persevere and adhere to the plan so as not to harm yourself. In total, almost 350 exercises are available in six categories of difficulty. Each exercise corresponds to a visual video. Access statistics and a system for fixing progress. Beginners and advanced athletes consider this pole dancing app (iPhone, Android devices) one of the most effective of its kind.

At the end of the list, we note another pole dancing app (iPhone, Android) that is well known to a wide range of users. It is also intended to teach a beginner or a more or less experienced athlete new actions on the pole. Here are many exercises in visual form that will lead a person from the basics to the most sophisticated movements. Discovering pole dance features was not yet as clear on your own as with this application. Be sure to pay attention to stretching programs that should be integrated in the daily schedule to avoid possible injuries. Stylish and pleasant interface adds convenience to the application in the process of everyday use. All functions are simple and intuitive at a glance which is a very important characteristic for pole dancing apps with your face, like this.

Pole app download is available from Google Play and App Store, as everyone can see. Discover stores to find another interesting app of this kind.
These pole dance apps are your virtual pole dance instructors, guiding you from beginner to pro. Improve flexibility, master new moves, and discover the joy of pole dancing in the comfort of your home. Stay safe, stay active, and let the pole be your dance partner!